“All great ideas begin with a github page”
Project 1: bioSyntax
BioSyntax: Parsing biological file formats for humans with syntax highlighting
Project 4: Metrics to evaluate microbiome diversity
Develop an interactive Shiny app to guide the selection of metrics for alpha- and beta- diversity, in microbiome analysis
Project 7 (cancelled): Multi-locus typing
Improving multi-locus sequence typing software
Project 2: DNA methylation in single cells
A reproducible template workflow for single-cell DNA methylation data
Project 5: R for genomic analysis
Developing advanced R tutorials for genomic data analysis
Project 8: Guide RNAs and CRISPR
Analysis of tested guide RNA’s used for gene editing via CRISPR to predict optimal future guide sequences
Project 3: Gene Fusions in Cancer
Aggregation, Interpretation, and Visualization of Gene Fusions in Cancer
Project 6: Quality Control of 10x Genomics Linked-Reads
Linked-Reads QC: Summarize sequencing library quality of 10x Genomics Chromium linked read
Project 9: Expanding CollapseTree in R
Using the CollapseTree package with taxonomic metadata to automatically collapse large tree branches
Based on the NCBI Hackathons